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ReSPECT stands for Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment. The ReSPECT process creates a summary of personalised recommendations for a person’s clinical care in a future emergency, should they not have the capacity to make or express choices. Such emergencies may include death or cardiac arrest but are not limited to those events. The process is intended to respect both patient preferences and clinical judgement. The agreed realistic clinical recommendations that are recorded include a recommendation as to whether or not CPR should be attempted if the person’s heart and breathing stop.

ReSPECT is a process that provides health and care professionals responding to that emergency with a summary of recommendations to help them to make immediate decisions about that patient’s care and treatment. ReSPECT can be complementary to a wider process of advanced care planning.

The plan is created through conversations between a person and their health professionals. The plan is recorded on a form and includes their personal priorities for care and agreed clinical recommendations about care and treatment that could help to achieve the outcome that they would want, that would not help, or that they would not want.

ReSPECT can apply to anyone but will have increasing relevance for people who have complex health needs, people who are likely to be nearing the end of their lives, and people who are at risk of sudden deterioration or cardiac arrest. Some people will want to record their care and treatment preferences for other reasons.

People should not expect to use the ReSPECT process until it has been established in their locality.

For more information, visit the ReSPECT website at respectprocess.org.uk