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There are many people that can be involved in the care of someone who is protected by MCA. These include, the care sector, hospital setting, paid carers, police officers, social workers, healthcare professionals, council officers and anyone who has involvement with that individual.

In addition to these are a number of organisations who have a particular part to play.

The Court of Protection or C.O.P is a superior specialist court which was set up because of the Mental Capacity Act. They have the power to make decisions about whether someone lacks mental capacity and appoint ‘deputies’ to act and make decisions on behalf of someone who is unable to do so on their own. These decisions include issues involving a person’s property, financial affairs, health and personal welfare.

If there has been a disagreement relating to the ability to make decisions then the C.O.P has the power to make the ultimate ruling on this. They can also remove deputies or attorneys who fail to carry out their duties.

The Office of the Public Guardian or O.P.G is a government body that works within the framework of MCA. They are responsible for protecting private assets and supervise the financial affairs of people who lack mental capacity for making decisions.

They also focus on protecting individuals from abuse. They have several duties including; registering Lasting Power of Attorneys, registering Enduring Power of Attorney and supervising deputies appointed by the Court of Protection.

The Independent Mental Capacity Advocates or I.M.C.A is an individual who has been appointed to support a person who lacks capacity and has no one to speak for them. The I.M.C.A only becomes involved when certain decisions need to be made involving serious medical treatment.

The IMPA is also involved in a change in the person’s accommodation where it is provided by a local authority.